Friday, August 26, 2011

New Log-in Text

While going to the Test Server, I saw this little update!

I think when the new chat system comes out, this will come too! Do you agree? Leave a comment!

Great Snow Race 2011 Cheats

Hello, penguins! The race has come. This is a step by step guide on how to complete it.

1. Go to the Town (on Firefox, as you can do the racing on that browser ;))
Click the sign and say Go There

2. Enter the Gate that says THE GREAT SNOW RACE.

3. You will be in the Supply Unit. Pick up some things for the


4. Take the Half Pipe.

5. Click all the icicles and proceed.

6. You will be in the Base Camp. Relax here.

7. Swipe the snow when it
falls, with the plant, then take the axe, and cut the

log. Then, throw three snowballs at the icicles.

8. Now, you have finished the race! Pick up the helmet and do some sledding!

9. You will arrive back at the Supply Unit. If you want to get up again, take the Ice Climb!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Free Code For A Jacket!

Remember, EVERYONE can get the item!

Tension, I say!

Tension is rising... agents are watching... PING! A new message appeared! What will Agent do?
Agent, use Read!

This is a highly dangerous mission. Those who are willing, report to to the Command Room on Aug 25 for Operation: Hibernation.

Listen up. He isn't lying! It will be hard, so I request that new and non member agents DON'T do this. Please listen to a skilled agent!

Two New Videos!

Hello Penguins! Happy77 has uploaded new videos!

Operation Hibernation URL:

Have you played Herbert's Revenge? Well, in Mission 8, there is Herbert's NEW base, which we are seeing later this week! I can't wait! :):):)

Great Snow Race Sneak Peek URL: :):):)

Well that's all! See you all later! :)

Narrow Chance For The EPF!

EPF Members, this is a code red (I think). Please check your spy phones!

1. ORDERS: We have a very narrow opportunity. We need a team to sneak oat Herbert's security systems, and capture him before he wakes up.

2. CLASSIFIED: Using System Defender, we traced Herbert's location. We've blasted the area with cold air, which should make him hibernate.

Well, looks like we have to get out gear in, because we are needed! Do you think we can do it? Post a comment below telling us!

I'm Back!

Hello! Long time no see! Well, I'm back to posting now! Hold on, G is just updating this blog...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Hello readers! Sorry I have'nt been posting for a while. But, it's because I am in India! Hope to see you on Club Penguin Soon! :):):)